Keeton Harrington

Business Owner. Investor. Developer. Programmer. Systems Architect.
Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, United States

Who Am I?

My name is Keeton Harrington and I'm a professional developer, programming architect, business owner, contractor, and entrepreneur. I love programming and building for the web, and I've been doing it for more than twenty years.

Things I've Done

I believe in measurable results.

Things I Can Do

Work Experience

Senior Engineer, Principle & Project Lead | [Company Name Redacted] (SaaS - Business Development Vertical) | Full-Time | 2021-2024

Owner | DFR Technology | 2002 - 2024

Founding Partner | ETR Data | 2020 - 2024

Senior Programmer | Netfinity Interactive | Full-Time | 2011-2020

Software Developer | | Full-Time | 2010-2011

Senior Project Manager | Compact Information Systems | Full-Time | 2008 - 2010

Account Manager | User Friendly Consultanting | 2006 - 2007

Technical Skills

Linux System Administration - Expert, 10+ years

Object Oriented PHP - Expert, 10+ years

Focus on scalable development using multiple popular development frameworks and standalone code. Extensive use of Doctrine and ADOdb database abstraction libraries. Test driven development preferred.

MySql/MariaDB - Expert, 10+ years

Experienced with myISAM, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and InnoDB storage engines. Focus on rapid response, scalability, and normalization.

HTML, CSS, XML, YML, JSON - Expert, 10+ years

Extensive experience with markup, style sheet, and data interchange languages.


Version Control: Git, Subversion
JavaScript: Native JavaScript, Angular, jQuery, Vue.js, and more.
PHP software: Wordpress, osCommerce, PHPUnit, SimplePie, HTML Purifier, TCPDF, phpMyAdmin, and more.
Specialties: ADOdb, Agile Methodologies, Analytics, Angular, Apache, APIs, Application Programming Interfaces,, Back-End Web Development, Bash, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), CentOS, Cloud Computing, Cloud Services, CSS, Debian, DevOps, Doctrine, Doctrine (PHP), E-commerce, EC2, ES6, Git, Golbat, Google Analytics, HTML, HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, LAMP, LESS, Linux, Linux System Administration, Management, MariaDB, Memcache, Memcached, Microsoft Windows, MVC, MySQL, MySql, Nginx, NGINX, NoSql, Object Oriented PHP, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), osCommerce, PayPal, Photoshop, PHP, PHP 5.x, PHP 7.x, PHP 8.x, PHP Applications, PHP Frameworks, PhpMyAdmin, PHPUnit, Postfix, PostgreSQL, Programming, Python, Recurring Billing, Red Hat Linux, Redis, Representational State Transfer (REST), REST, RESTful architecture, SaaS (Software as a Service), SASS, Scyther, Shell Scripting, Silex, Slim, Social Media, Software as a Service (SaaS), Software Development, SQL, Stripe, Subversion, Symfony 1.x to current stable, Symfony Framework, Transactional eCommerce, Ubuntu, Virtual Machines, VMWare, vue.js, Vue.js, Web Application Development, Web Development, WordPress, Wordpress, XML, YML

Notice: some of these are just Pokemon.


University of North Texas

1998 - 2001 Degrees in English and Political Science


Licensed US Customs Broker

2004 - Present

Dog owner

2001 - Present

Example Work

Owned and Operated